Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts reference.

View shortcuts


keyboard shortcuts

Show Jump Navigation

⌘ + K, Ctrl + K

Show recently viewed issues

⌘ + E, Ctrl + E

Change layout

⌘ + 1, ⌘ + 2, ⌘ + 3

Ctrl + 1, Ctrl + 2, Ctrl + 3

Stream shortcuts


keyboard shortcuts

Turn on/off notifications

⌘ + I, Ctrl + I

Go to the next/previous Stream

D , F

Move to the nth Stream

1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5

Issues shortcuts


keyboard shortcuts

Reload the issues


Go to next/previous issue

J , K

Go to next/previous unread issue

Shift + J, Shift + K

Change to unread/read


Add/delete to your bookmarks


Move to / return to the archive


Show only self author issues


Show only self assigned issues


Show only unread issues


Show only open issues


Show only bookmarked issues


Browser shortcuts


keyboard shortcuts

Reload the page

⌘ + R, Ctrl + R

Back to previous page

⌘ + [, Ctrl + [

Go to the next page

⌘ + ], Ctrl + [

Scroll down/up the page.

Space, Shift + Space

Scroll down/up the page significantly

Option + J, Option + K

Alt + J, Alt + K

Search within the page

⌘ + F, Ctrl + F

Open the URL bar

⌘ + L, Ctrl + L

Open the page in an external browser

⌘ + O, Ctrl + O

Customizing keyboard shortcuts (Mac)

Here's a keyboard shortcut on the Mac Window/Linux is not covered in this page.

To change the keyboard shortcut to a key of your choice, do the following

  • Go to Keyboard → Shortcuts → Applications in Mac preferences.

  • Add a shortcut key from the + button

    • Application:

    • Menu Title: The menu name you want to change the key to(example Next Issue)

    • Keyboard shortcut: The key you want to set

Last updated

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